Showing posts with label Fractal analysis of major currency pairs for March 14). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fractal analysis of major currency pairs for March 14). Show all posts

Fractal analysis of major currency pairs for March 14)

Dear colleagues.

For the currency pair Euro / Dollar, the main upward movement is expected after the breakdown of 1.1360. For the currency pair Pound / Dollar, we should continue the development of the upward structure of March 11 after the breakdown of 1.3387. For the currency pair Dollar / Franc, we are following the development of the downward cycle of March 7 and we are going to move downwards after the breakdown of 1.0012. For the currency pair Dollar / Yen, the continuation of the downward movement is expected after the breakdown of 110.90 and the level of 111.65 is the key support. For the currency pair Euro / Yen, we follow the formation of the upward structure of March 8 and the development of the upward cycle is expected after the breakdown of 126.33. For the currency pair Pound / Yen, we are following the uptrend structure of March 11 as the main trend; the level of 149.26 is the key resistance and the level of 145.76 is the key support.

Forecast for March 14:

Analytical review of H1-scale currency pairs:


For the currency pair Euro / Dollar, the key levels on the H1 scale are 1.1416, 1.1390, 1.1360, 1.1345, 1.1317, 1.1300, 1.1271 and 1.1249. We are following the development of the ascending structure of March 7. The short-term upward movement is expected in the area of 1.1345 - 1.1360 and the breakdown of the last value should be accompanied by a pronounced upward movement. The target is 1.1390. The potential value for the top is considered the level of 1.1416, upon reaching which we expect a rollback downwards.

The short-term downward movement is possible in the area of 1.1317 - 1.1300 and the breakdown of the latter value will lead to a prolonged correction. The goal is 1.1271 and this level is the key support for the upward structure. Its price passage will have a downward structure. In this case, the first potential target is 1.1249.

The main trend is the upward structure of March 7.

Trading recommendations:

Buy 1.1361 Take profit: 1.1390

Buy 1.1392 Take profit: 1.1414

Sell: 1.1317 Take profit: 1.1300

Sell: 1.1298 Take profit: 1.1275


For the currency pair Pound / Dollar, the key levels on the H1 scale are 1.3587, 1.3509, 1.3462, 1.3387, 1.3267, 1.3214 and 1.3144. We are following the development of the ascending structure of March 11. The continuation of the upward movement is expected after the breakdown of 1.3387. In this case, the target is 1.3462 and in the area of 1.3462 - 1.3509 is the short-term upward movement. The potential value for the top is considered the level of 1.3587, upon reaching which we expect a rollback downwards.

The short-term downward movement is possible in the range of 1.3267 - 1.3214 and the breakdown of the latter value will lead to an in-depth correction. The goal is 1.3144 and this level is the key support for the upward trend.

The main trend is the upward structure of March 11.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 1.3388 Take profit: 1.3462

Buy: 1.3510 Take profit: 1.3585

Sell: 1.3265 Take profit: 1.3115

Sell: 1.3112 Take profit: 1.3145


For the currency pair Dollar / Franc, the key levels on the H1 scale are 1.0082, 1.0057, 1.0045, 1.0025, 1.0012, 0.9993, 0.9980 and 0.9956. We are following the development of the downward cycle of March 7. The downward movement is expected after the price passes the range of 1.0025 - 1.0012. In this case, the target is 0.9993 and in the area of 0.9993 - 0.9980 is the price consolidation. The potential value for the bottom is considered the level of 0.9956, upon reaching which we expect a rollback to the top.

The short-term upward movement is possible in the area of 1.0045 - 1.0057 and the breakdown of the last value will lead to a deep correction. The target is 1.0082 and this level is the key support for the downward cycle.

The main trend is the downward cycle of March 7.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 1.0045 Take profit: 1.0056

Buy: 1.058 Take profit: 1.0080

Sell: 1.0012 Take profit: 0.9995

Sell: 0.9980 Take profit: 0.9956


For the currency pair Dollar / Yen, the key levels on the scale of H1 are 111.65, 111.37, 111.22, 110.90, 110.69, 110.53, 110.26 and 110.10. We continue to monitor the formation of the initial conditions for the downward movement of March 5. At the moment, the price is in the correction zone. A downward movement is expected after the breakdown of 110.90. In this case, the target is 110.69 and in the area of 110.69 - 110.53 is the short-term downward movement, as well as consolidation. The breakdown of the level of 110.53 should be accompanied by a pronounced downward movement. The goal is 110.26. The potential value for the bottom is considered the level of 110.10, after reaching which we expect a departure to the correction.

The short-term upward movement is possible in the area of 111.37 - 111.65, hence we expect a key reversal downwards. The breakdown of the level of 111.65 will have the formation of the initial conditions for the top. The potential target is 112.07.

The main trend is the formation of the initial conditions for the bottom of March 5.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 111.40 Take profit: 111.65

Buy: 111.68 Take profit: 112.05

Sell: 110.90 Take profit: 110.69

Sell: 110.53 Take profit: 110.26


For the currency pair Canadian Dollar / Dollar, the key levels on the H1 scale are 1.3371, 1.3353, 1.3326, 1.3305, 1.3278, 1.3260, 1.3228 and 1.3200. We are following the development of the downward cycle of March 8. A downward movement is expected after the price passes the range of 1.3278 - 1.3260. In this case, the target is 1.3228. The potential value for the bottom is considered the level of 1.3200, after reaching which we expect consolidation, as well as a rollback to the top.

The short-term upward movement is possible in the area of 1.3305 - 1.3326 and the breakdown of the last value will lead to a deep correction. The target is 1.3353 and the range of 1.3353 - 1.3371. We expect the initial conditions for the upward cycle.

The main trend is the downward cycle of March 8.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 1.3305 Take profit: 1.3324

Buy: 1.3327 Take profit: 1.3350

Sell: 1.3260 Take profit: 1.3230

Sell: 1.3226 Take profit: 1.3200


For the currency pair Australian Dollar / Dollar, the key levels on the H1 scale are 0.7154, 0.7121, 0.7101, 0.7072, 0.7055, 0.7032 and 0.7000. We are following the ascending structure of March 8 as the main trend. The short-term upward movement is expected in the area of 0.7101 - 0.7121 and the breakdown of the latter value should be accompanied by a pronounced upward movement. The potential target is 0.7154, upon reaching this level, we expect consolidation.

The short-term downward movement is possible in the area of 0.7072 - 0.7055 and the breakdown of the last value will lead to a prolonged correction. The target is 0.7032 and this level is the key support for the top.

The main trend is the ascending structure of March 8.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 0.7101 Take profit: 0.7120

Buy: 0.7122 Take profit: 0.7152

Sell: 0.7072 Take profit: 0.7055

Sell: 0.7053 Take profit: 0.7033


For the currency pair Euro / Yen, the key levels on the H1 scale are 127.28, 126.90, 126.33, 126.11, 125.64, 125.40, 125.00 and 124.80. We are following the formation of the ascending structure of March 8. The short-term upward movement is expected in the range of 126.11 - 126.33 and the breakdown of the last value should be accompanied by a pronounced upward movement. The target is 126.90. The potential value for the top is considered the level of 127.28, upon reaching which we expect a rollback downwards.

The short-term downward movement is possible in the area of 125.64 - 125.40 and the breakdown of the latter value will lead to a prolonged correction. The target is 125.00 and the range of 125.00 - 124.80 is the key support for the top.

The main trend is the ascending structure of March 8.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 126.35 Take profit: 126.90

Buy: 126.95 Take profit: 127.25

Sell: 125.64 Take profit: 125.40

Sell: 125.35 Take profit: 125.00


For the currency pair Pound / Yen, the key levels on the H1 scale are 150.84, 150.25, 149.26, 148.68, 147.43, 146.76 and 145.76. We are following the development of the ascending structure of March 11. We expect a short-term upward movement in the area of 148.68 - 149.26 and the breakdown of the last value should be accompanied by a pronounced upward movement. The target is 150.25. The potential value for the top is considered the level of 150.84, upon reaching which we expect a rollback downwards.

The short-term downward movement is possible in the area of 147.43 - 146.76 and the breakdown of the latter value will lead to a prolonged correction. The target is 145.76 and this level is the key support for the upward movement.

The main trend is the upward structure of March 11.

Trading recommendations:

Buy: 148.70 Take profit: 149.25

Buy: 149.30 Take profit: 150.25

Sell: 147.40 Take profit: 146.80

Sell: 146.70 Take profit: 145.90

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